Today, I wrote a little Javascript that randomly changes the page title. I put the script below. Feel free to use it. Just change "Test 1,2,3,etc." to what ever you want. You can add more titles to draw from by adding 'rantitle[4] ="xxxxxx"' and so on. Also, remember to remove the title line from your HTML head. ALSO, set "var num" to however many titles you have specified.
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
if (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 4) {
var num = 3;
var rantitle = new Array(num+1);
rantitle[1] = "TEST 1";
rantitle[2] = "TEST 2";
rantitle[3] = "TEST 3";
ranNumber = parseInt(num * Math.random() + 1);
document.title = rantitle[ranNumber];
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