Friday, March 4, 2011

Update - March 5, 2011

I haven't been updating as much as I should, and I apologize. I have been swamped with school lately. I have not had the time to update the Internet homepage, because of it. I am also starting some app development for Palm's... excuse me, HP's webOS.

But back to the homepage. Simply put, it isn't at the top of my priority list at the moment. I just can't compete with the Firefox addon "Foxtab" or Chrome's homepage. I am currently looking for someone with Javascript skill to assist in making an interactive version of the page.

I've gotten some wonderful ideas from friends and even some readers of the blog that I didn't realize I had. One of which is the idea of a fully customizable experience.

Foxtab seems to have this experience, but I think it can be improved upon. In Foxtab, you manually set your favorite sites to your homepage, but for some reason, it add additional pages that you frequent on that particular site, which I found annoying. I would also like the ability to have the addon, pick sites for me. (Because I am lazy.)

I also like the idea the themodude suggested, a "top pick" of sorts, one that changes frequently. I could do that, make sure to come back to the blog often for updates.

Finally, I want to announce a little competition. I am planning on moving my the site and/or blog from erronjason's subdomain, to my very own domain! Here's the catch, I have no clue what my domain name should be. That is where you come in. I want you guys to think of the most kick-ass names you can. I will pick the top Five and present them as a poll on the blog. You will then vote for the which one you think is the best and the winner will get their own tribute page on the website. Exciting! This won't be some run of the mill tribute page. This will be a full blown worship service.

So get your mental gears started and submit your ideas to

Also, there is no deadline at the moment, but I want to buy the domain soon, so get to it!

Update: Follow me on twitter @RyanEskridge to get updates on the go! (If I remember to update.)