Sunday, November 14, 2010

Random Page Titles

Today, I wrote a little Javascript that randomly changes the page title. I put the script below. Feel free to use it. Just change "Test 1,2,3,etc." to what ever you want. You can add more titles to draw from by adding 'rantitle[4] ="xxxxxx"' and so on. Also, remember to remove the title line from your HTML head. ALSO, set "var num" to however many titles you have specified.

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
if (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 4) {
var num = 3;
var rantitle = new Array(num+1);
rantitle[1] = "TEST 1";
rantitle[2] = "TEST 2";
rantitle[3] = "TEST 3";
ranNumber = parseInt(num * Math.random() + 1);
document.title = rantitle[ranNumber];

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Random ACAD drawings

So I was sitting, waiting for class to start Friday. So I whipped out my laptop and drew these. Nothing fancy, just practice. Some random gaskets from the book. I am working on a project in solid works at the moment. It has moving parts and all! I'll upload pics when it has progressed more. Bye!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

So, we're 12 days into November and I have been posting what I am thankful for each day as Facebook status updates. I think its time I post an unabridged version of the list of things I am thankful for.

Here you go.

1. I am Thankful that I am not on fire right now.
2. I am thankful that I am not being attacked by velociraptors right now.
3. I am thankful that gravity hasn't broken.
4. I am thankful for all of the veterans that keep my family safe.
5. Im thankfu fr splchek.
6. I am thankful for Mark Zuckerburg and his magical time deleting device.
7. I am thankful for being able to go to Community College.
8. I am thankful for all the friends who say that I have the capability to go to a major university.
9. I am thankful for Pell grants.
10. I am thankful for math tutors.
11. I am thankful for sweet tea.
12. I am thankful for free copies of ACAD provided by my wonderful school.
13. I am thankful for my teacher instructing my how to use software that we aren't supposed to learn how to use for two more semesters.
14. I am thankful that I am not a computer science major. (Seriously guys? Calculus 4?)
15. I am NOT thankful for the next ENTIRE DECADE I have to use studying.
16. I am thankful for all the turkeys that have given their lives for my eating pleasure.
17. I am thankful no one has seen my blog. (That would be embarrassing.)
18. I am thankful for the right to write things like, "My government is doing a mediocre job of dealing with key issues."
19. I am thankful for Tacos.
20. I am thankful for Burritos.
21. And most of all, I am thankful for my fantastic friends.