Wednesday, April 22, 2009

PSP2..... or not...

According to Electricpig, the newest PSP is rumored to appear at this years E3. Apparently you can forget PSP2 or PSP-4000, Sony has some thing "unique" up their sleeves. The article hit my thoughts on the head, "So if it’s not a PSP2 or a PSP phone, that does beg the question: what does that leave for the new PSP? A PSP watch? A PSP Walkman? We don’t know, but we can’t wait to find out."

The details are quite grim, while it does away with UMDs, there will not be dual analogue sticks or a touch screen. HARDLY a PSP2. But then again, who know what Sony is planning? Nothing is ever clear with this company. One minute they deny that there are future PSPs, the next someone confirms the PSP2, and now, that an unique PSP will be released, but no PSP2. Only time will tell.

Sony is really hurting itself flip flopping like this, while it is keeping people interested, I have a strong feeling Sony will let us down and  disappoint potential customers. And with the PSP being as big of a failure as it is (outside of Japan), Sony just cannot afford to let us down. Personally, I am waiting for Microsoft to sell a portable gaming device. I would sell my PSP then and there.