Thursday, September 16, 2010

Pros and Cons of Using Facebook

I am writing an outline for a Comp1 essay. I listed the Pros and Cons of using Facebook in list form. Here is a slightly amended version of that list.

Pros of using Facebook:

1. Allows you to meet people that you would not usually have a chance in interact with.

2. Lets you share information quickly between friends and family.

3. Allows you to share pictures and videos with friends and family.

4. Allows you upkeep long distance relationships.

5. Can sometime force people to be polite online.


1. Info can possibly be seen by any user of the internet.

2. Difficult to remove your info from the site, without manually changing each info field, and deleting all photos, videos, status updates, notes, etc.

3. Can force you to be polite to people you may not like.

4. If you don’t use Facebook, people might wonder what is wrong with you.

5. I am pretty sure a guy from the NSA or CIA personally reads each post you make.

6. He also laughs at your embarrassing photos.

7. If you don’t have a Facebook account, you will not be permitted to purchace any Government Issued meat tubes.

8. Use of Facebook may cause you to write a blog post on all the things you dislike about Facebook. (DO NOT DO THIS, ITS BEEN DONE 100 TIMES AND IS NO LONGER FUNNY)

Please don't point out the contradiction of the last statement to this entire post.